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Thumb's maritime matters are invited to attend the mayor BBS maritime silk road in the 21st century

    On the morning of May 18, the maritime silk road in the 21st century the mayor BBS (peak) held in fuzhou strait international conference and exhibition center. BBS by China's general administration of customs, state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, the Taiwan affairs office of the state council, China council for the promotion of international trade, and fujian province people's government jointly hosted.

     (BBS) on site

  BBS to "build the maritime silk road in the 21st century" as the theme, invite "Marine silk road" along the boundaries of countries, regions and relevant delegation, the mayor of the city and famous experts, economists, financial investment institutions, business association representatives, such as connectivity, finance and investment, industrial cooperation, build the cooperation mechanism of maritime silk road in the 21st century, thumb, hercynian Commodity Exchange was invited to attend as a representative of the fuzhou city commercial service enterprises.


     Is invited to the BBS (maritime)

  Fuzhou of fujian provincial party committee standing committee, party secretary Yang Yue delivered a speech at the meeting, vice governor of fujian province xiao-song zheng, vice President of the China international economic and exchange center, the ministry of commerce, vice minister wei jianguo, and other leaders to participate in the BBS. Iran rush, mayor of mo, DE khalili, Malaysia sibu lines qing MiaoRuiLin, fuzhou, nanjing's mayor mayor yi-ming Yang, Poland sarin city vice city changan jay Kiel strategy g, Guyana, vice mayor of Georgetown Patricia chase Greene, the tacoma mayor Marilyn, Mr, Argentina Rio "goss city vice mayor pat her mansion, karina, pita guest talk" Hester, "such as construction, seek to establish with solidarity and mutual trust, equality and mutual benefit, mutual learning, cooperation and win-win cooperation mechanism, share development opportunities, deepen exchanges and cooperation.

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